Hazy Days

Perhaps it’s fitting that we left Bend through a haze of smoke. My new favorite word is “coddiwomple,” which means “to travel with purpose toward an unknown destination.” Our destination is undetermined, and the journey is still blurry. We have a general route outlined; we kick around various ideas for ways to make money; we…

Wants Versus Needs

Let me begin by acknowledging a failure. This cup of coffee I am currently sipping falls in my need category. I want to kick the habit so I no longer need it; maybe I need to reduce my intake so I no longer want it. While my 12-ounce Americano may be trivial, the distinction between…

The Road To Character

The Road To Character

Only the one who descends into the underworld rescues the beloved. — Kierkegaard. In his book, The Road to Character, New York Times columnist and author, David Brooks, investigates our culture’s loss of essential virtues that build character; character increasingly necessary to live content and purposeful lives. Brooks has previously written and discussed his thoughts…